Successful Mergers & Acquisitions
Improve your odds of completing a successful merger or acquisition
Thinking about buying a competitor or entering a new market? Acquisitions offer a great opportunity to increase your customer base, add to your recurring monthly revenue, add to your workforce and footprint if done right! We can help bring opportunities your way and help determine if a particular opportunity is the right fit for your business expansion.
Planning for an Exit Strategy
You have probably heard this before. “The day you start your business is the day you make plans to sell your business.” Savvy business owners know that to take advantage of opportunities, you must always be ready to act. That applies to exiting too! We all like to think we know what the future holds for us but reality sometimes has other plans. Done right, an exit plan brings a tremendous amount of stability to you, your family and employees. It makes your business worth more today. Doesn’t that make more sense than scrambling to correct years of mistakes or having to accept far less than what your business could be worth?
Due Diligence
An audit of business practices, policies, systems, employees, contracts, files and financials of a company is essential when buying or selling. Whether on your own company or a potential acquisition, an objective in-depth review can be a real eye opener. We evaluate a multitude of things that impact the value of your business or the business you are acquiring to uncover the hidden gems and land mines that you might not even know to look for or evaluate. Continuous changes in technology, laws, taxes and the market can have a dramatic impact on business value. If you are contemplating selling, you need to know how a potential buyer will look at and evaluate your business before you get into negotiations or even put your business on the market.